I'm in the middle of another stint of NS Reservist - something new. It's the 5th Shelter Specialist Course. Apparently, it's an all officer course with LTAs making the bulk of it.
First week's full of theory - it's back to CIFE basics like structural, civil and mechanical engineering. Boring.
A little bit on group dynamics, psychology and a bit more on weapons effects, explosives. Cool stuff.
Second week is where the sweat comes out. And night training. When the world's asleep, we play "Worst-Case Scenario" involving large expanses of real-estate, manpower and equipment. Somehow, we manage to keep our brightly painted red and white vehicles in the shadows and execute large exercise operations quietly so as not to alarm the general public.
It never ceases to amaze me whenever I get to participate in this large ops.
Probably the coolest sounding terminology I've heard this past week and this coming week is the "Fortress Key"
What is it? Well, it's a key that turns your world into a fortress. Safe refuge.
'nuff said.