Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to set up (additional) MemCacheD servers on Windows

Go find the latest Windows binary. Such as: http://code.jellycan.com/memcached/
Install the application somewhere like C:\memcached\
Open up command prompt
Type in the following line:
sc create memcached11211 binPath= "C:\memcached\memcached.exe -d runservice -p 11211 -m 2048" start= auto DisplayName= "MemCacheD 11211"


-m 2048 is the amount of memory to use in MB. Default value is 64. Maximum value is 2048.
Don't use up 100% RAM. Remember to leave some RAM for the OS.

To utilize more memory on the same machine, repeat the steps given on the same machine but assign a different port number.
In the example above, all instances of the string "11211" refers to the port number.

Do take note of the space after each "=" sign.

Check out Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services for results.

This post is derived from:

Monday, August 10, 2009

The (Growing) Movie List

I've finally sat down and wrote a list of movies that I kinda wanted to see but missed since the kids were born. My goodness, what a crappy list it is.

Mostly involves comic books, video games, science fiction or Jason Statham.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Don't Promise Sarah Anything

Sarah's memory at this point surprises everyone around her.

Top Things Not To Promise Sarah:
Go swimming (She'll bug you and bug you for days and when you finally go, and discover the swimming pool is under renovation, you jump into a cab immediately to go to another)
Go to the playground
Eat ice cream (if you do, she'll start licking an imaginary one)