Go find the latest Windows binary. Such as: http://code.jellycan.com/memcached/
Install the application somewhere like C:\memcached\
Open up command prompt
Type in the following line:
sc create memcached11211 binPath= "C:\memcached\memcached.exe -d runservice -p 11211 -m 2048" start= auto DisplayName= "MemCacheD 11211"
-m 2048 is the amount of memory to use in MB. Default value is 64. Maximum value is 2048.
Don't use up 100% RAM. Remember to leave some RAM for the OS.
To utilize more memory on the same machine, repeat the steps given on the same machine but assign a different port number.
In the example above, all instances of the string "11211" refers to the port number.
Do take note of the space after each "=" sign.
Check out Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services for results.
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